Letreros colgantes de puerta de privacidad - ¿Ocupado o vacante?
Letreros colgantes de puerta de privacidad - ¿Ocupado o vacante?
Hazles saber a tus invitados que respetas su privacidad con estos atractivos colgadores para puertas. Un lado dice "Ocupado", mientras que el otro lado dice "Vacante". Una manera fácil y hospitalaria de saber quién está en casa y cuándo se puede entrar o limpiar el dormitorio o el baño.
Nuestros colgadores para puertas, que se venden individualmente, ofrecen un diseño de gancho conveniente para colgar fácilmente sobre las perillas de las puertas de todos los estilos y están fabricados en un material plástico grueso para mayor durabilidad y fácil limpieza de manchas.
Can’t wait for our first guest in October just so I can see these in use!! 😊55356,�
Thank you Kris!
I am a happy customer.
I was very impressed with the quality of my door hanger. It feels durable and I lived that the color is so bold and vibrant. I purchased it for my job restroom to let the next person aware that it's being occupied so they won't go trying to open the door.
Can’t wait for our first guest in October just so I can see these in use!! 😊55356,�
Thank you Kris!
I am a happy customer.
I was very impressed with the quality of my door hanger. It feels durable and I lived that the color is so bold and vibrant. I purchased it for my job restroom to let the next person aware that it's being occupied so they won't go trying to open the door.